
September 17, 2024 — Release of A Change of Place! Check here for launch events, to be announced shortly. (Sneaky hint…I’m coming to Toronto…)

September 21, 2024 — I’ll be at Bakka-Phoenix Books to launch CHANGE! There will be TOAD COOKIES. Stay tuned for more announcements in the Golden Horseshoe area.

September 28, 2024 — I’ll be at the Kingston Indigo! With a very special treat for you.

October 16-24, 2024 I’ll be at World Fantasy in Niagara Falls, NY. So many great people are coming!!!! This shall be EPIC!

November 1-3, 2024 Returning to Can-Con!!!! Note the date, folks. It’s new, shiny, and doesn’t conflict with WFC! AND there’s a bonus Virtual convention April 20th included if you get your ticket soon.

Julie has been a guest of conventions since 1998. She’s been Toastmaster for the 2009 Worldcon, Anticipation, in Montreal, Guest of Honour at the New Zealand and Australian Natcons, as well as many others. She’s spoken on all aspects of writing, science fiction and fantasy, as well as science (biology) and scientific literacy, to audiences ranging from the general public to fellow authors to scientists, as well as to educators and their students (K to university).
One of Julie’s special joys is conducting lively interactive workshops for other writers, her most recent being at Clarion West 2022.

“You can learn more in a couple of days with Julie than in a year or more of working at it alone.”

Sally McLennan, New Zealand author

“Julie Czerneda helped me think about my characters and worldbuilding in new ways, and how to build those changes into my stories.”

John Petelle, Constellation 2019

To book Julie for an event, workshop, or interview:

Contact her agent, Sara Megibow, KT Literary
Contact Sarah Christensen Fu via:
Or email Julie directly.