2023 Julie E. Czerneda
Julie E. Czerneda

Canadian, biologist, award-winning and now CSFFA Hall of Fame author/editor, for the past 25 years Julie E. Czerneda has shared her curiosity about living things and optimism about life through her science fiction and fantasy, published by DAW Books, NY. With her partner Roger Czerneda, she lives in a small town outside Ottawa, Ontario, in a grand century home with plenty of room for her books and his photographs. When not walking along the river or wilding their yard, they’ll be off to canoe Algonquin Park, their happy place.
Julie is represented by Sara Megibow of KT Literary: contact@ktliterary.com

Story Sales!

My science fiction short story
“Third Life” will appear in Year’s Best Canadian Fantasy and Science Fiction Vol 2, edited by Stephen Kotowych.
This story is about the best of us. About love and life and the power of our choices. I’m very proud to see it in this amazing collection.

And I’ve sold a new story!
My fantasy, “Saving Week” went to On Spec, Canada’s fantastic genre magazine. It’s my take on the theme of a wizard’s final duel and comeuppances.

Latest Release


We celebrated my 25th anniversary in fiction and DAW with a collection of my short stories for you. I’ve added notes to each and, bonus? There’s an all-new Night’s Edge novella! Cover and interior design by Roger H. Czerneda.

Latest Release

To Each This World
To Each This World

I went big in my latest science fiction standalone (my new aliens included) to explore what I find most intimate and precious about us. Community. Curiosity and imagination. Above all, the drive to understand what isn’t us at all.

Back to Marrowdell Sept 2024!

A Change of Place
A Change of Place

Jenn Nalynn. The truthseer, Bannan Larmensu. House toads galore and, of course, the return of Wisp, a most-opinionated dragon. Those you (and I) loved from A Turn of Light are back, with more wonder, wild magic, and surprises!

Coming soon: What I’m reading!

News! A Change of Place has its release day! Tuesday, September 17th, 2024. WHOOO!

My June

We did it! Into The Wild we went and refilled our respective buckets.